Package net.sourceforge.openforecast.output

Defines a variety of helper classes used for outputting DataSet and DataPoint objects to a variety of different output sources.


Interface Summary
Outputter An interface that defines the minimal requirements for a class to be considered an "outputter" - a class that can be used to assist with the output of a DataSet (set of DataPoint objects) to a variety of different output destinations.

Class Summary
DelimitedTextOutputter Defines an Outputter that can be used to write a DataSet in any text delimited format.
TimeSeriesOutputter Defines an Outputter that can be used to add the DataPoints from a DataSet to a (JFreeChart) TimeSeries.

Package net.sourceforge.openforecast.output Description

Defines a variety of helper classes used for outputting DataSet and DataPoint objects to a variety of different output sources. In the initial implementation of this package the only output format supported is delimited text. This includes comma delimited form - also known as CSV (Comma Separated Values) - as the default output format. It is expected/hoped that other classes will be developed for outputting to such sources as a database (via a SQL SELECT statement), XML data sources, and others.

See also: net.sourceforge.openforecast.input

OpenForecast, Copyright (c) Steven Gould, 2002-2011