Package net.sourceforge.openforecast.input

Defines a variety of helper classes used for creating DataSet and DataPoint objects from a variety of different input sources.


Interface Summary
Builder An interface that defines the minimal requirements for a class to be considered a "builder".

Class Summary
AbstractBuilder Defines an abstract Builder class that provides some common functionality and helper methods for use by sub-classes.
CSVBuilder Defines a Builder that can be used to construct a DataSet from CSV (Comma Separated Values) file or input stream.
ResultSetBuilder Defines a Builder that can be used to construct a DataSet from a ResultSet.
TimeSeriesBuilder Defines a Builder that can be used to construct a DataSet from a TimeSeries object as used/defined by JFreeChart.

Package net.sourceforge.openforecast.input Description

Defines a variety of helper classes used for creating DataSet and DataPoint objects from a variety of different input sources. In the initial implementation of this package the only input format supported is from CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. It is expected/hoped that other classes will be developed for inputting from such sources as a database (via a SQL SELECT statement), an XML data source, and others.

See also: net.sourceforge.openforecast.output

OpenForecast, Copyright (c) Steven Gould, 2002-2011