Package net.sourceforge.openforecast

This is the main package for OpenForecast.


Interface Summary
DataPoint Defines the interface to a single data point, consisting of one value of a dependent variable, and one or more values of independent variables.
ForecastingModel Defines a consistent interface that must be implemented by all Forecasting Models.

Class Summary
DataSet Represents a collection of data points.
EvaluationCriteria A class of constants defining the various "evaluation criteria" that can be used to compare the accuracy of two forecasting models.
Forecaster The Forecaster class is a factory class that obtains the best ForecastingModel for the given data set.
Observation Represents a single observation or data point, consisting of one value of a dependent variable, and one or more values of independent variables.

Package net.sourceforge.openforecast Description

This is the main package for OpenForecast. It contains most of the classes and interfaces that the average user will use. Only the more advanced users that want access to specific forecasting models will need to access the subpackages.

In general, you will initialize a DataSet object with a series of DataPoints that define a series of observations. Then you will pass this to the Forecaster.getBestForecast method to obtain a reference to the most appropriate forecast model for the given data set. This ForecastingModel can then be used to forecast additional values.

OpenForecast, Copyright (c) Steven Gould, 2002-2011